Friday, September 11, 2009

Busy but bored !!

Despite having enough to do with my getting started on my (long overdue) thesis and work, I find myself in la la land quite often around noon (mostly), roaming youtube, fb and the likes, or just plain day dreaming. Wondered why.., decided on lack of the company I have gotten used to in the past 2 years as the reason (out of the million options that readily popped up in my brain)! In the absence of all my erstwhile social crib and gossip sessions, on campus, I just realized that it’s been ages since I visited my blog!! “Guilt”.., very little, “expecting to be more regular in the future”.., very much so ;)! Hmm.., definitely something to try and remedy my "busy but bored" syndrome ;) I hope!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully expressed....very well written. hands up..........

mysticmelodiez said...

@ Anonymous- thank you so much, for taking the time and commenting! Needless to say, please keep visiting and commenting :)

Unknown said...

Maybe its "Busy and sleepy" syndrome. Start your day with browsing then work...midday browse its starting another phase of work before you go home...Interesting naa ;)

mysticmelodiez said...

@ Subha: you bet sleepy is IT!! now, add boredom to it and the regulation of browse-work cycle gets just a little messed up :D Thanks a tonn axe :) eagerly look forward to your visits and comments!!


Karthik Sriram said...
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